Retreat with Buddhist Monk Gelong Thubten
Meditation for fearless living
"Att stanna upp och genom reflektion och meditation bli mer varse mina egna tankar och känslor har varit oerhört kraftfullt för mig. Jag känner mig som en lite förhöjd version av mig själv."
Jonas Svanhed
Program description
Join us for a transformative retreat with renowned Buddhist Monk, Gelong Thubten
This retreat offers a unique opportunity to learn from one of the UK’s most influential teachers of meditation and mindfulness, a 3-day deep-dive into the practices and philosophy presented in Gelong Thubten’s latest book, ‘Handbook for Hard Times - a monk’s guide to fearless living’.

Gelong Thubten is a Buddhist monk, meditation teacher and author. He was educated at Oxford University, and then became an actor in London and New York. At the age of 21, severe burnout led him to join a monastery. He ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monk in 1993 at Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist Monastery. He has spent over 6 years in meditation retreats, the longest of which lasted four years.
Thubten specialises in teaching mindfulness meditation internationally, in a diverse range of settings that include businesses, hospitals, schools, universities, prisons and addiction counselling centres. He gives keynote speeches at major events around the world and has been teaching for over 20 years. He is a world pioneer in the mindfulness movement, a leading voice in this field many years before the current trend emerged.
Thubten’s book, A Monk’s Guide to Happiness, became a Sunday Times top ten bestseller in the UK and is now published in more than 12 countries worldwide. His latest book, Handbook for Hard Times, was published in 2023, and has also become a bestseller.
He is now regarded as one of the UK’s most influential meditation teachers and has lectured at Oxford University and for large organisations such as Google, LinkedIn and The United Nations. He is also a director of meditation centres and charities and regularly leads retreats internationally.
About Gelong Thubten
Thubten will share insights from Buddhist philosophy and guide us on a transformative journey, with powerful methods for working with life’s challenges. We will explore how regular meditation practice can help us to transform our thoughts, emotions and reactions, turning our difficulties into fearless steps on our spiritual journey.
Topics covered during the retreat include:
Exploring the nature of fear and anxiety, and how to become more fearless.
Establishing and maintaining a daily meditation practice.
Transforming limiting thoughts and challenging emotions.
Developing compassion and cultivating the power of forgiveness.
Cultivating awareness, clarity and peace of mind.
What to expect

Is this something for you?
Are you seeking a way to cultivate more inner peace and resilience in a fast-paced, stressful world? Have you been curious about starting a meditation practice but feel unsure where to begin or how to sustain it and take it to the next level? Do you wish to transform difficult emotions and limiting thoughts into growth, courage, and spiritual strength?
Whether you're completely new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this retreat is open to anyone and offers valuable tools and profound insights to support your journey.
Through a combination of talks, guided meditations, and time to reflect, you’ll learn how to cultivate resilience in the face of fear, doubt and anxiety, build and maintain a daily meditation practice, and turn what’s difficult into opportunities for growth and transformation.
Day 1
14.00 Introduction and welcome
14.15 Session
15.45 Tea break
16.15 Session
18.30 Dinner and time for forest walk, sauna and natural swimming pond
Day 2
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Session
10.15 Tea break
10.45 Session
12.00 Lunch and time to rest
14.00 Session
15.30 Tea break
16.00 Session
18.30 Dinner and time for forest walk, sauna and natural swimming pond
Day 3
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Session
10.15 Tea break
10.45 Session
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Wrap up session
Preliminary schedule

Date and location
You can choose between March 7-9 (sold out) and March 10-12 (few spots left).
This intimate and transformative retreat will take place at Lindeborgs Eco Retreat, a serene and eco-conscious space for reflection, personal growth, and healing. Offering lakes, forests, and sustainable high-quality accommodations, it’s the ideal environment for deep transformational work.
Lindeborgs Eco Retreat is situated 20 km from Nyköping and 120 km from Stockholm.
Prices and registration
SEK 10 900 - Shared double room
SEK 13 900 - Single room
SEK 9 900 - Shared "Tiny Nature Cabin"
SEK 12 400 - Single "Tiny Nature Cabin"
SEK 9 300 - External accommodation
Shared rooms and cabins have separate beds unless otherwise requested.
The ”rooms” all have a bathroom with shower.
The ”Tiny Nature Cabins” have a composting toilet nearby + shower/sauna available in the Eco Barn.
What's included
The prices include accommodation, full board, all program points and VAT.
The "External accommodation" option does not include accommodation, but does include full board, all program points, and VAT.

"En fantastisk upplevelse! Carl står stadigt i sina kunskaper och har många kreativa verktyg och övningar som för mig möjliggjorde både en inre resa och en tillsammans med gruppen. Ingen lämnade kursen oberörd."
Sara Persson
”Carls genuina vilja att skapa förändring i mig som individ och i förlängningen världen gör effekten mer genomgripande än i något annat program jag har deltagit i. Deltagarna lämnar inte bara med ny kunskap och genomgripande erfarenhet utan också med ny kraft och förmåga att ge mer i en alltmer komplex vardag med utmaningar vi ännu inte vet svaret på.”
Charlotta Holm Klinth
"Retreaten var djupt inspirerande och transformerande. Jag fascineras enormt av Carl Lindeborg, hans visdom, världsbild och verktyg till förändring. Att vi alla behöver rusta oss för framtiden och vara goda förebilder. Jag rekommenderar varmt denna retreat till alla som vill accelerera sin vuxenutveckling!"
Andrea Berglöf, egenföretagare
Övriga program
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