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Development for your organisation

For organisations

Development for your organisation

For more than 20 years, Carl has worked with the development of people and organisations in both large listed companies as well as startups, both in Sweden and internationally. Many of the assignments have taken place in collaboration with the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE Executive Education) and Oxford Leadership, as well as through Leader Evolve, the organisation for future-oriented leadership that Carl founded and led from 2018-2023. The assignments have included lectures, workshops and longer leadership programs (up to 20 days long).


Carl is happy to tailor plans that suit your team and your organisation. Here you can find examples of content that can either be run independently or as part of a longer development program.

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Authentic leadership in a complex world

This interactive and engaging lecture/workshop is based on the newly published book "The Authentic Shift - Inner Development for a Changing World". Carl shares here the most important insights into the megatrends that affect us as people and leaders and the keys to taking your own authentic leadership to the next level in an accelerating and increasingly complex world. Participants get the opportunity to deepen their understanding and sharpen their inner compass through concrete tips and various exercises and reflection questions. The workshop format also includes exchange in small groups.


Focus and content can be adapted to the challenges and opportunities that your organization is facing.

Lectures and short workshops 

(1 hour – 1/2 day)

Develop leaders who create value from the inside out

In a complex and changing world, the ability for self-leadership is a key competence for meeting challenges and creating long-term sustainable results. The "Authentic Self-Leadership" program provides participants with insights and tools to strengthen their inner compass and act with greater clarity, security and integrity.


By developing their self-leadership, the participants have the opportunity to:

  • Deepen your self-awareness

  • Clarify your valuation platform

  • Increase your inner motivation and energy

  • Develop a personal vision and motivating goals

  • Deal with uncertainty, change and adversity with greater resilience

  • Maintain balance and clarity in stressful situations.

  • Prioritize well and make good, conscious decisions

  • Stay focused on that which is most important over time


By strengthening each individual's ability for self-leadership, conditions are created for an organisation with greater commitment, where more people can take responsibility, act proactively and contribute to successful development for the whole.

Focus program - Authentic Self-Leadership 
(1 – 3 days)


The optimal learning environment

Carl carries out many of his programs and customer assignments at Lindeborg's Eco Retreat, a genuinely sustainable and inspiring place for courses and conferences - optimised for learning, focus and to fill up with energy and inspiration. The retreat is a unique green oasis created for reflection, creative meetings, in-depth learning and good conversations. Here you are surrounded by forest, meadow and water and the food that's served is grown outside the door. In the farm kitchen you will meet some of Sweden's most skilled chefs.

Get in touch

Carl is happy to tailor plans that suit you, your team and your organisation. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Other programs

Read more about the other programs


"Leading High Performing Teams" is a program that helps leaders develop teams that can navigate a complex and changing world. The program offers an in-depth understanding of team dynamics and how to build strong, trusting and engaged teams.

Participants can explore tools and methods to, for example:

  • Create a common platform with clear goals and cooperation principles.

  • Read and manage the team's development phases.

  • Understand and utilise diversity within the team.

  • Manage and prevent conflicts and strengthen the team's psychological security.

  • Contribute to a culture of proactivity, commitment and mutual accountability.

  • Coach the team to greater curiosity, adaptability and willingness to learn and change.

The program combines lecture, interactive exercises and reflection sessions, giving participants the opportunity to directly apply the tools to their own team challenges. This creates a concrete and practical experience that leads to long-term results.

Focus program – Leading High Performing Teams 

(1 – 3 days)

In a world where the rate of change increases exponentially, the need for adaptability is crucial for businesses to survive and prosper. The "Leading Change and Transformation" program is designed to strengthen leaders' ability to navigate complex change processes, bring people on board, and build a culture that fosters innovation and development.

During the program, participants gain insights into the dynamics of change and a powerful toolbox to:

  • Create a sense of urgency and build support for change.

  • Understand and manage resistance to change through systems thinking and psychology of change.

  • Lead in complex environments and adapt your leadership to different types of change.

  • Build an adaptive culture where employees are ready to meet the demands of the future.

  • Identify and activate change drivers within the organization.

  • Create and communicate an inspiring and clear vision for change.

Through interactive exercises and cases, participants have the opportunity to directly connect the program's tools and insights to their own change challenges.

Focus program - Leading Change and Transformation (1 – 3 days)

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